Welcome to the SSD Strategic Action Planning Project

The Smithville School District is embarking on a district-wide strategic planning process through May 2023. The intention of the process is to bring together students, community members and staff through extensive engagement to identify Smithville's 'Portrait of a Graduate' and vision for the future of the Smithville School District. The Smithville School District's strategic action planning project will produce a five-year Strategic Action Plan that will provide comprehensive direction for school years 2023-2024 through 2028-2029. 

We are soliciting names to be considered for participation in the upcoming strategic planning sessions for the Smithville School District.  We are limited in the number of participants so we may not be able to accommodate all volunteers.  

We will also be conducting a survey to gather community input on the future five-years for the Smithville School District.

Please use the link below to participate in the survey and request to participate in a strategic planning session. Thank you so much for your interest in serving and your commitment to the SSD!
